End of year message from YAN’s CEO Davit Satyan

By Tina Levin, 01 January 2022

It’s the last day of the year and I wanted to talk about the ambitious plans we have for YAN in 2022 and the years coming. It’s quite certain that we’re at a crossroads where banks clearly need to take the lead in driving innovation as there won’t be much room to catch up for them later unless they quickly rethink their offerings now. We at YAN see this as a business opportunity, so we strive soon to be among the top innovative banks to ensure that we deliver valuable and sophisticated financial products to our well-versed clients.

As the amount of data companies now deal with is huge, in response we see the proliferation of platforms across the industries, each of which will eventually evolve into an autonomous ecosystem of TPPs connected via APIs. This is inevitable for any structure that, once large enough, must eventually consolidate itself to scale up beyond its pre-agreed scopes. It was a concept that I explored from the outset that prompted me to realize that the potential economic growth for financial service providers can happen if they rethink their business model through Platformification. Since its inception in 2020, YAN has pursued this very idea by developing its Super App and other tech infrastructure soon to be disclosed, and our conviction that we are on the right track has been further reinforced by the processes going on with Open Banking and PSD2. YAN will grow into an open, cross-industry ecosystem as our goal is to become a major technology hub for highly skilled engineers developing more sophisticated financial and e-commerce products for both personal and business customers.

We are committed to a quick implementation of our roadmap as we look forward to announcing YAN’s first investment round next year. 2021 was a blockbuster year as we saw significant growth in venture investments across many verticals. This investment trend will continue to set new records in 2022, according to many analysts, as investors are likely to double down on traditionally key sectors such as financial services, fintech, and e-commerce. All this promises to be an exciting year for YAN as well, as we have a pre-launch scheduled for March 2022 in two cornerstone jurisdictions such as the US and UK, where we will be registering our first Sellers – YAN business bank account holders, to three of our business subscription plans.

In this light, first I want to thank everyone who has supported us so far on this rather difficult but extremely interesting startup journey, and wish all our colleagues, partners, and each one of you here on LinkedIn and elsewhere, a wonderful, rewarding and financially prosperous year! Your sawed seeds of dedication, hard work and commitment will eventually let you enjoy the fruits of happiness and success, never hesitate! Happy New Year 2022!